I had the good luck of having one of my paintings used for the cover of the current Lagniappe newspaper. That’s the local alternative paper down in Mobile, Alabama. It is the second time one of my paintings have graced their cover. That’s the painting above. The first one they used was a Colonial Dixie painting.
It’s Mardi Gras time down there in Mobile and every year I do about 5 or 6 paintings for the season, my favorite season of the year. I think the reason I like it so much is because it is a 3 week holiday. Stacey and I go back and forth for those 3 weeks. We see parades, eat great food and get to see all kinds of folks we don’t see all year long. That’s my favorite part of Mardi Gras, the fellowship. Everyone is in a great mood. Each day I run into someone I haven’t seen since last year and we usually have a beer and catch up a little bit. The parades are great, but they are just a back drop to the social part of it all.
So far this year we have had the good luck of spending time with 2 couples who were in Mobile for other reason. First our friends Gwen and Pepper called to tell us they were in town for a wedding, the next thing I know we are all sitting around Mom and Dads dinning room table eating, laughing and having a great time.
We also had dinner with Kimberly and Youann. They were in town on business so we made plans to see them and had another great time. We took them down to one of the huge float barns for a inside look at how the floats come to be. Their baby Noah was really impressed.

Today I will load the truck and head back to Mobile for about 8 days. I will finish the float Stacey and I build every year for the Mystic Fish Parade. This will be the 17th Mystic Fish Parade. The best parade to ever hit the streets of beautiful downtown Mobile. This year the float is a Octopus. If ya get a chance stop by and see us! And stop by Restaurant 219 to see my other Mardi Gras paintings.
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