I had been fighting with my computer for about two days. It had gotten hold of something and was acting up. I called my geek and e-mailed my other geek for help. Both had the same advice, run hardcore anti-everything security checks and clean it out. Well I have been “cleansing” for about three days now and there are still problems. But the really bad part is for the first two days I didn’t know I could run Foxfire without any problem. My regular Internet connection was so slow it was as if time had stopped, again damn-it. Hence erratic post last week. Yea I could have posted all week and didn’t realize it.
But, I gotta tell you I got a lot of work done. Cleaned and organized my shop, which is a never ending task. I also painted three new paintings for the Serenbe Artist Bizzare, which was yesterday. I also made a tray from a tree that is falling apart in my neighbors yard. Check out these photos, the first is the part of the tree that has fallen, it’s shaped as if it were a large piece of bark from a tree but it is actually part of the tree itself. The second photo is the finished product. I sold three of these yesterday. If you click on photo that will enlarge it.