The Tate Modern is housed in an old power station smack dab on the Thames. It is huge with large open space and lot's of small galleries. The Tate Modern is one of the greatest modern art museums in the world. The power station closed in 1981 and if not for some forward thinking folks it would have been leveled and replaced with another residential monster. It was rehabbed into the museum and the Tate opened in May of 2000. Just outside it's doors is the beautiful Millennium bridge. A pedestrian bridge designed by Arup, Foster and Partners. When it first opened it got off to a shaky start, literally. The bridge swayed so much it had to be closed for about a year to fix the problem. I took this picture from the 3rd floor restaurant in the Tate. That is St. Paul's Cathedral in the background. Click on either photo to enlarge.

This next photo was taken on the bridge looking back at the Tate. More on my London weekend soon, please stand by.
