About 7 or 8 years ago Stacey went to NYC to see Tom Waits at the Beacon Theater. It was the perfect place to see him do his thing. The Beacon is not a real large room and the sound was great. It was one of the best shows I have ever seen and we felt quite fortunate to see Mr. Waits as he does not tour much and his tickets sell out in less then an hour for all his shows.
Well here we go again. No, not NYC, but beautiful downtown Mobile, Alabama. That’s right, tonight at the Saenger Theater we will again have the pleasure of see Mr. Waits do his thing. I say “do his thing” because he is such a unique character and has such a presence, only he could do what he does. His trashed out voice, antique instruments and found sounds all make for one of a kind act. On top of that some of the songs are just beautiful pieces of art.
Mobile has been real proud of itself lately. That city is in a place it has never been in before. People now actually want to live there. There are jobs, there’s a whole new scene downtown, with bars and restaurants and art gallery’s for people to enjoy. People are moving into all kinds of lofts and condos in the downtown district.
Now this, Tom Waits! I bet there’s gonna be an even bigger change when folks hear about this. People will flock to the city wanting to buy new homes and relocate there. Magazines will claim it the “Best new City in the South”, the best place to live, the best place to raise your kids. And you can all thank Tom Waits. Tom Waits plays Mobile Alabama! Who would have thunk it?