I love music and it's in my blood. See that little boy? That's my brothers son and like me he too loves music, just look at him.
I've been thinking about writing a post about music. What it means to me, where my love for it comes from and maybe a list of favorites. Then I got to thinking I could write about music forever. My Mom and Dad are both huge music consumers and no self respecting music love would dare try and list favorites. It's impossible to do that. Hell at least once a week I learn of a new band that I want to explore. And one would also have to break those favs into categories. I listen to lot's of different kinds of music, it would be easier to list the genre's I don't enjoy.
How could you do a list of favorites when you've been listening to music since you were 5- 6 years old? That's what I remember. I was telling Stacey about the first stereo my sisters got for Christmas when I was about 9 or 10 years old. I told Stacey that was my intro to music, the first stuff I listened to was what my sisters played. Elton John, Fleetwood Mac, The Eagles, Rod Stewart and so on. But, the more I thought about it I started to remember the huge console my Mom and Dad had on Chadwick Dr. I remember laying on the floor near the door way from the dinning room to kitchen listening to whatever my Mom and Dad were listening to. I can still remember some of the songs. Trailers for sale or rent, Roger Miller. Al Hirt, Cotton Candy. The sound track to West Side Story. Music I still listen to. I have both the West Side Story and Al Hirt album. So I guess that's where it all started.
This morning I am listening to Neil Youngs' After the Gold Rush album. Very loud. This is the kind of music my sister was listening to in high school. She also listened to lot's of bands not so many people knew about. Southern bands. Bands like the Dixie Dregs, Poco, The Locust Fork Band. Ya ever heard of these bands?
I could go on and on. My Mom and Dad have never stopped listening to music. My Mom has turned me on to some of my favorite music. Whenever I get in her car I see what she is listening to and many times find something new to me. Louis Prima and Squirrel Nut Zipper Zipper are just a couple of examples of what I have found in my mom's cd player.
I could go on and on. I could tell you about the newest thing I've heard or the latest live act I have tickets to see. That would be the Residents. We will see the Residents for the third time in February at the Variety Playhouse. Last time we saw the Residents live was about 20 years ago at the famous 688 club. I saw the Residents with Snake Finger two nights in a row way back then. The Residents are nothing like any of the bands I have mentioned so far. The Residents are a very good example when I claim to enjoy lots of different styles of music. Click on them and read a bit about them.
I could go no and on and maybe I will.
Stand by.