You can play golf with said person, travel to a foreign country with that person, or donate art to said persons fav charity. I have used all three ways to learn about a person and all three ways work.
Recently I had a lady ask me to donate a painting to an organization she is part of for a fund raiser. She even ask me to paint a particular subject for the event. She even went so far as to give me photos of veggies to work from. I told her I would try and paint a picture of vegetables as she wished, but I told her I did not think veggies would work so well with my painting style. I also told her not to worry I would have a painting ready and I would make sure it got them in time for her event as I had for the last 4 years.
Well I must say the veggies worked out well and I really like the painting. This is it.

So I took the veggie painting and a pig painting to the event site and let them pick which painting they would want for their fund raiser. Of course they picked the pig painting cause everyone in Atlanta is watching Kevin Gillespie cook pork all the way to a TOP CHEF championship. Pig is really hot right now and I knew they would want the pig. Here is a photo of said pig. Called it SOUTHSIDE. Clever huh.

Then I sent an email asking the nice lady who ask me to donate a painting for fund raiser if I would be comped 2 tickets to fund raiser event as I had been for the last 4 years. Here is where I learned what this nice lady who ask me to donate painting really thought of me and my art work.
In the nice ladies attempt to find out if I would be comped two tickets to the fund raiser I was cc'd in, I'm sure by accident, on an very insightful exchange of emails.
Did you decide on this? How should we respond….either way is fine. He really delayed on all this and the painting will probably not bring in much so if we say we are sold out at this time I am just fine with that.
Sorry…thought you got this…each artist gets 1 comp ticket and one ticket to buy for $50, but we are sold out, so he can only get his one comp ticket at this point.?
Some nice lady huh?
As Mr. Janky would say "OH WELL"
UN-effing-believable. Isuppose it goes to show that you can't make freinds by giving thm what they want. I wish I had amillion dollars to take with me to said fund raiser and buy that pig.
ReplyDeleteI have thought about this. I hope the money goes to a good cause. Because this lady is NOT good.
ReplyDeleteOr you can go to the event site with a printout of the email and a $20 bill and say "hey, I guess you didn't think you would get much for my painting, so here's $20. I'd like it back please."
And send that sucker to me cause I love it! ha!
- Dixie
Can Mr.Janky say "Karma"... Lil Lady