Friday, July 25, 2008

Funeral Crasher’s

I am starting a new “dinner club” if you will. It’s gonna be called the “Dead peoples Food Dinner Club”. I’m sure you know where I’m going with this, asking yourself why haven’t I thought of this before. Well it takes a special way of thinking to come up with ideas like this and I guess I’m just a special kind of thinker.



It started about a year ago. Stacey and I went to Mississippi for a funeral on her dads side of the family. After the service we hightailed it back to the airport to catch a flight home. There were later flights that we could have gotten that day, but for some stupid reason I thought we needed to hurry home. As it turned out the flights were delayed and one thing led to another, we didn’t get home early at all. After all this I got to thinking about what if we would have stayed for the dinner that was at the local church, what had I missed by trying to hurry home. I talked to my father in law and questioned him about the food they had at the church. His report made me cry. Then it made me mad. How stupid of me, I should know better, the food is always gonna be good at a country church funeral party. So that’s when I got to thinkin I need to stick around next time, hell spend the night if I have to, cause the food I missed was probably some of the best southern cooking you can get you hands on. Nothing makes an old lady do her best cooking like a dead person. God bless em.

So lately I have been calling my mom and dad, my in-laws, aunts and uncles, just about anyone I can think of to see if anyone had died and if so where is the funeral. I’ve had a little luck, a distant cousin I really didn’t know died and the funeral was in Tennessee, in a rural area. I knew this would be good for a true southern meal, and I was right. I didn’t care that I didn’t know a soul there and I don’t think anyone gave me a second thought. Just dress nice, show up and know the dead persons name and your in like flint.

Problem is people I know just don’t die often enough and it’s against the law to really help them along, if ya know what I mean. So here’s what I’m proposing, start searching the small town newspapers. The obits are always easy to find in these small town papers and there is always enough information on the deceased to get you in the door and a spot at the buffet line. I bet we won’t even have to get on airplanes, I bet there are probably funerals almost everyday, in some remote area that is in driving distance.

This could be big. We could make 4 and 5 day vacations out of this idea. Hit the road, the two lane road, maybe even the dirt road, grab the local paper and find yourself a dead person. Put on a nice shirt, comb you hair, go to the wake, find some angle to work on how you knew the dead person and enjoy a great, southern country meal.

So are ya with me. Who’s in? Let me know cause I’m ready to roll.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Pig in the ground

I say that, but that’s not the way it is. There is a pig and there is the ground. We cook the pig, but not in the ground. Lot’s of folks do cook pigs in a hole, in the ground. Very Latin American. I dig it, LOL, really it makes sense. I have come up with an above ground method that mimics the hole in the ground method. I have practiced it three time and always ended up with good pig. So when a the Chef and another friend started talking bout cooking a pig we made a date and divided up the chores.

First thing you do is get a Chef, get ya a pretty one like this guy if you can!


So I go to Home Depot and buy about 40 cement blocks. I use a couple $9 sheets of corrugated metal and I need two, six foot pieces of re-barb. I need a rack as well. I either buy some fence material or go by a junk store and buy the racks out of an old refrigerator. Tom Waits would use an old wire box-spring from some old bed outta some old boardinghouse. In East Saint Louis. Under a bridge. You get it, you know what I mean, right? I need a roll of wire as well and wire cutters. I need tin snips for the sheet metal.

So I lay the blocks out to fit the pig, about a foot larger then the pig, going both ways. I line the floor of this box with sheet metal, cut to fit. I line one, maybe two walls of the box also. The pig is either wrapped in the fence and wired to the re-barb which is longer then the box so the re-barb sits on the top row of blocks and allows you to flip the pig. If you use racks instead of wire fence you want to splay the pig between two racks. Then you wire the racks together and then wire the re-bard to the racks. You should remove a block from each side, from the bottom row. This will allow air to move through and stoke your colas. Use a small piece of sheet metal to block each hole to control the heat.

So now you just start your fire, one pile of coals on each end of box. Once coals are ready place pig on the fire, cover with a piece of sheet metal or tin foil and cook to internal temp of about 160 degrees.

Don’t forget to invite lot’s of people to help consume the pig.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Pig Art and Pig Parts

When I was working with the nice lady on the High Museum Wine Auction a few months back, we had a seminar at Restaurant Eugene. This soiree started next door at Holeman Finch Public House. That’s the name of the new place Linton and Gina Hopkins, of Restaurant Eugene have opened along with a few of Atlanta’s best barchef’s. The bartenders are owners and operators. It’s a really cool joint, very causal, very good food and drink. They specialize in the pig. They also specialize in the Cocktail. At the seminar that day they ordered a painting for the restaurant. I sat down with one of the bartenders and we came up with an idea for their painting. I did it, they loved it and it hangs proudly in the modern glass, steel and wood dining room.

The day we were there for the seminar on pork, they had hung candied bacon from the small tree’s in the restaurant. I was talking to this guy and we decided to try some. Tasted like candied bacon. Tasted GOOOOOOD. They were not yet open, but as soon as they did Stacey and I went to pig out. They cure their own meat and mix speciality cocktails. The meat hangs in the glass walls that have been designed just for that and for storing wine. It’s a neat visual and a great use of space.


We went early the night of the Tom Waits concert here in Atlanta. We sat at the bar and let Greg do his thing with drinks. Our only input was vodka and not to sweet for me and bourbon and ginger for the Little Lady. Holeman Finch practice mixing drinks with the same philosophy as the best chefs these days. They use fresh ingredients, they use local when they can and they are seasonal. The drinks were great, he made each of us two different cocktails.

Like I said they are a pig joint if you will, and you should. They did have oysters from Alabama. We started with a salad of mixed greens, topped with fried oysters. I think it had blue cheese on it, very little blue cheese, it was a really good salad. The oysters we fried up just right. We also had a bone marrow dish. It was a split bone with the marrow and crispy bread crumb’s and butter toasted on top of the bone. It was good also, but as with most marrow dishes, there’s never enough. We had scallops, George Banks scallops. Canadian scallops, good. We also had pork belly. Berkshire hogs raised on a farm less then one hour out of Atlanta. The belly was served on top of grits, roasted cipolini, and B & B pickles. The pickles are made next door at Restaurant Eugene. It’s the best stuff, in season, done up real simple. You can’t beat it.

Go eat at Holeman Finch, have some food. They claim the grilled cheese is one of the best eats on the menu. Have a cocktail, the Brown Derby was an awesome concoction. Tony Seichrist is one of the chefs and he’s good. I think he just spent time in Italy learning about curing meat. So there ya go!

Thursday, July 17, 2008


So July 4th, after the parade we went to our neighbors house for an afternoon dinner and then fireworks up the street. We arrive at these guys house about 3 p.m. They were in full swing. They were preparing all of these dishes. Chvechie, with scallops and shrimp. I watched as they pressed limes, roasted poblanos pepper, and chopped cilantro. They made this beautiful chevechie and then added a little olive oil. They were also preparing a black bean salsa and a green salad. The black bean salsa was awesome, I’m getting that recipe. They fried fish for tacos and they cooked chorizo sausage, fresh from the butchers counter at the local Mexican grocery store. On top of all that a man known for his meat, bar b que meat that is, joined us and had a couple racks of ribs he had cooked that day. They did not suck at all and went well with all the other food. Did I mention there was fresh guacamole.

There was probably a lot more I have forgotten, maybe because of all the beer I was drinking. We were having a beer tasting as they cooked. Doing a flight. Seems like this guy brews his own beer, lot’s of it and lots of different kinds. I bet we tasted 6 or 7 different beers. Lighter to darker. Fresh brewed. Right up the street. This was great. We always have a good time when ever we do see these folks and I had no idea they loved to cook and eat good food and were such serious brewers. I’m scared to have them over, they have set the bar very high.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008


Last year Stacey and I helped build a float and we participated in a parade celebrating the 4th.
It took place down at the Serenbe Community. We called ourselves the Watermelon Brigade. There were about 12 or 15 of us in our group. We bought us some red, white and blue tee shirts and something funny is added to them. The guys shirts read “I’m with the queen”. The ladies were the Queens, of course. Here is a photo of the float we put together and our queens.

It was fun and I like building floats, I really don’t get the opportunity all that often so we did it again. This year Stacey’s shirt read WHAM, mine read BAM. We were the Serenbe Fire Crackers. It was a good time and I was hoping some of the other folks down at Serenbe would step up and build, sorry, I mean have a float built to start a little fun competition. No one did. We still had a great time just the same. Check out this photo.

After the parade we were invited to join some folks at a neighbors farm for a true southern 4th of July experience. We could not, but next year we plan on going to this “gathering”, my friend Sam told us of table after table of homemade food and people singing 4th of July songs.

This year we had made plans to eat with some friends who live up the street, and then go see the local firework which are always a good show. East Point Georgia may be broke, but we can blow some shit up on the 4th.

So the the folks we had made dinner plans are neighbors and we see them at parties and stuff around the hood. It seems we haven’t been able to get together otherwise, finally we did and holy shit, these people cook with the passion of madmen and brew their own beer. Stay tuned more on this soiree.

Friday, July 11, 2008

We love you as well

I came across this article in the New York Sun, some southerners may find it offensive, not me. I really didn’t read anything that’s not true. The pizza? Sure we got good, great pizza just not on every corner. Yes, it’s a slower lifestyle here, we speak slower and our public transportation sucks. But I love NYC and if I were a rich man I would have homes in both Atlanta and NYC.

Read on

Atlanta sounded pretty good to Scott Merritt while he was squeezed into his parents’ home on Long Island with his wife and two children.He took a new job in the Georgia capital and moved his family to a $275,000 house in the suburbs with four bedrooms, a two-car garage, and a yard with a swimming pool. It came at a cost to his New York sensibilities.”I haven’t found a single slice of pizza I have been remotely satisfied with,” Mr. Merritt, 34, said. “I am not going to the corner pharmacy and being welcomed by name any longer. It was a culture shock.”The Merritts are among throngs of New Yorkers relocating to Georgia for affordable housing, a lower cost of living, a thriving job market, and warmer winters. Displaced Northerners must adjust to Southern accents, a slower lifestyle, restaurants that close early, a ban on Sunday liquor sales, and a reverence for “Gone With the Wind.”They’re hunkering down by sticking together. New Yorkers in Atlanta have their own group on, and crowd athletic venues when the Mets, Islanders, or Jets visit. One exile has a Web log called Voted Off the Island.”We have this pocket of all relocated New Yorkers who hang out together,” Mr. Merritt said. “All damn Yankees.”About 40,000 New Yorkers resettled in Atlanta between 2000 and 2005, double the number from any other state, according to the Atlanta Regional Commission. An additional 14,000 came from New Jersey. Atlanta gained 1 million people in the past seven years, the most of any American metropolitan area. It added 177,549 jobs from 2003 to 2006.”There is a huge migration from high-cost areas to lower-cost areas, and Atlanta is a big beneficiary,” a senior economist with Wachovia Corp. in Charlotte, N.C., Mark Vitner, said.Housing is the biggest catalyst, a real-estate agent and former New Yorker in Marietta, Ga., who helps others relocate, Barry Wolfert, 42, said. The Atlanta area’s median sales price for an existing single-family home was $172,000 last year, compared with $469,700 for the New York-Northern New Jersey region, according to the National Association of Realtors.”For the money, you get double or triple the home,” Mr. Wolfert said.

A career move spurred George Fleck, 32, to give up a $1,800 rent-controlled, studio apartment in Chelsea last year. For $1,300, he got a one-bedroom apartment with a balcony overlooking downtown Atlanta’s Piedmont Park.

Mr. Fleck said he walks to his job at a midtown hotel and gets stares when he tells local residents that he doesn’t have a car. Atlanta’s Marta subway system has just two lines and fewer than 50 stops.

Differences like that make some transplants disdainful of their new address 900 miles south.

“Atlanta is a second-tier city,” Jessica Harlan, 36, who relocated two years ago, said. “New York is cooler and more exciting in every respect.”

New Yorkers may even take exception to the way Georgians speak. Their drawl, and expressions like “y’all” and “bless her heart,” grate on some newcomers.

“If my kids have a Southern accent, I will kill myself,” Brooklyn native Jodi Fleisig, an Atlanta resident since 1998, said. Ms. Fleisig said she tends to socialize with ex-New Yorkers, and finds inviting Southerners to lunch can be troublesome.

“Being Southern means you wait for someone to finish a sentence,” she said. “We talk really fast. They can’t get a word in edgewise.”

City and business leaders have welcomed the new arrivals as good for the economy.

“There are not many of us natives left,” Atlanta’s mayor from 1970 to 1974 and now head of the Buckhead Coalition, a political and business group dedicated to improving that area, Sam Massell, said. “There is a Southern hospitality here. The newcomers have adapted to that style very comfortably.”

Skeptics say Atlanta, home of the 1996 Summer Olympics, risks becoming too cosmopolitan.

“We are not going to get that sophisticated, damn it,” native Mary Dobbs, 62, said. “We are not that involved in sports. We have other things to do.”

Atlantans bear no personal hostility toward New Yorkers, another native, who is director of the Gone With the Wind Museum, Connie Sutherland, said.

“Since 9/11, everybody in the country has bonded with New York,” she said.

Some New York transfers embrace the Southern lifestyle.

Steve Segall, 23, who moved to Atlanta after graduating from Cornell University, said friends up north are envious that when they have a foot of snow on the ground, Atlanta’s climate allows him to play golf after work.

Even so, the New Yorkers-in-Atlanta group on draws suggestions of places for partying together and alerts on low airfares home.

“I miss the lawn on Central Park,” Simone Joye, 42, who organized the site after moving to suburban Stone Mountain three years ago, said. “I miss pizza — real pizza — and bagels and lox. I miss bridges and the water, which creates a sense of serenity. Atlanta has no beaches.”

The pull of Atlanta’s affordability versus New York’s excitement sometimes results in boomerangs. Amy Josephson, 46, moved to Atlanta a first time in 1992, returned to New York in 2005, then came back to Atlanta in September.

“I am a New Yorker through and through,” she said, yet she missed her friends in Atlanta and its lower cost of living. “I may feel different tomorrow.”

Thursday, July 10, 2008

The Battle House

The Battle House is a hotel in beautiful downtown Mobile, Alabama. It sits on Royal St. It opened in 1852 and was rebuilt in 1900. In 1905 it burned and had to be rebuilt again. This edition of the hotel is the one standing today. In 1974 it was closed down and would have been torn down, just as every other building on that block of Royal St. had been, if not for the determination of a few folks who kept it standing until the the Retirement System of Alabama stepped up with funds for a full and glorious restoration. I remember being at the Battle House once as a little kid. It was Mardi Gras and we were visiting family. I remember the grand, marble double stair case. I want to remember sliding down the huge side rails which were like giant, marble sliding boards, but I know my folks would never have let that happen.

So this is the spot Stacey and had picked for lunch Thursday, the day after the Tom Waits show. The Battle House has only been re-opened for about two years now. We try to go every chance we get. Sometimes when we are in Mobile, we wake up and go for a long walk downtown, we walk to the Battle House, take a quick walk through the lobby and public spaces and turn around and walk back home. We have been for cocktails and breakfast a handful of times.

The Joe Cain Cafe has just opened in the Battle House and it has food and a full bar. It’s great room done up Mardi Gras style, with Ol’ Slac being the main theme. There are flat screen televisions everywhere, the food is good and the menu has lot’s of different offerings. If you find yourself having to spend the night in Mobile stay at the Battle House if possible, if not, go check it out.



Tuesday, July 8, 2008

tom waits concert posters for sale


So little time…

My last post was Wednesday at 9:52:51. We were about to board an air plane for beautiful Mobile Alabama, going to see Tom Waits perform at the Saenger Theater. We had also planned to have dinner with the M and P unit. Well that was only the beginning.

We arrived in Mobile around lunch and hired a cab to take us to our humble abode on Montauk St. We got there, cranked up the a/c and walk up the street to the Bakery Restaurant for a light lunch. After a few Bloody Marys and a salad we headed to the M and P’s house. There we learned what was for dinner, tuna. Fresh caught tuna which had been delivered the day before. This was the largest piece of tuna I have ever held in my hands, it was about the size of Stacey’s head. My little brother had caught it off the
coast of Louisiana a day or so earlier. It was beautiful and My dad cooked it up just right. He “crusted” one side with cracked pepper and sesame seeds and seared the hell out of it. It was sweet, melt in your mouth tender and some of the best food I have ever put in my mouth. The food is always good on Roper Street, but this was special.

So then it was off to the Tom Waits show. I’m gonna write more about it tomorrow. I have a lot to write about as this was our schedule for the last few days.

Tom Waits show in Mobile Wednesday night, lunch at the Battle House Thursday, 4th of July parade at Serenbe Friday, dinner with at neighbors Friday night, fireworks Friday night, dinner at Holeman Finch Public House Saturday evening, Tom Waits show at the Fox Saturday, that’s right, 2 TW shows, Sunday ribs on the grill and too much tequila. So, please dear reader, stand by for more.

Tuna and Tom Waits


Well, like I said we were treated to some really good tuna Wednesday night. It was super fresh and cooked really well, as in not too well. Marion and I enjoyed a couple martinis before and during our meal. Ice cold vodka goes good with seared tuna, you should try it sometime. We then meet up with a couple of friends who were headed to the Saenger Theater as well. One more ice cold vodka and we’re off, ready to see Tom Waits strut his stuff.

And that’s exactly what he did. For about 2 hours he twisted and turned, flapped his arms as if trying to fly, stood on one foot doing weird ballet moves, all the while belting out tunes in his slackjaw, down to his kneebone, rusty old voice. It was great and it was just what the people wanted to see and hear. Every move, every comment, every jester received applause. He told jokes, played the guitar and the piano. The complete package.

The stage setting was beautiful. There were random lights of different colors all about the stage. Large square boxes with 15 or 20 lights, row after row. The middle back drop was a long curtain that took on what ever color light was spotted on it and it looked like heavy velvet, about 20 feet tall. Red and blue were the two colors used the most and the red light made it look like an old whore house. A nice antique whore house with a red glow. It was real nice.

The show in Mobile was about the same as the show in Atlanta three nights later. It was proceeded by a really good meal also, more on that soon. In Mobile we sat on the 11th row, but were as far to the right as you could get, not bad seats at all just couldn’t see the horn blower or the piano player much at all. In Atlanta we were smack in the middle, about 35 rows back. I think he played four songs in Atlanta he did not play in Mobile. The set up was the same as in Mobile, except Larry Taylor played lead guitar on two songs. Mr. Waits also played a very small keyboard that was old and he looked huge sitting behind it. It sounded as if it was metal striking metal.

These are some of the songs he played. Make it rain, chocolate jesus, lucinda, down in the hole, cemetery polka, lucky day and lot’s of others. The band was really tight. Waits had described them as having race car precision, but I thought it was more like, subway under your feet in NYC precision. They were like a train, sometimes they went fast and sometimes they went slow. His son plays the drums for him and the saxophone guy played two horns at one time, more then once. The guitarist was the best. He made an unreal range of sounds come from his guitar and he played the banjo and other string stuff as well. Sitting in the middle made a big difference as far as visuals went. Being way to the side you didn’t get the effect of a main character, in the middle of the stage playing to the room. You really got the feel it was a theatrical event from sitting up and looking down at the stage and being in the middle. It was almost vaudeville like, the complete package.

One of our friends videoed just about the whole show and she has put a lot of the songs on you tube at this address Go there and scroll down a little, you can’t miss em.


Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Wait a minute

About 7 or 8 years ago Stacey went to NYC to see Tom Waits at the Beacon Theater. It was the perfect place to see him do his thing. The Beacon is not a real large room and the sound was great. It was one of the best shows I have ever seen and we felt quite fortunate to see Mr. Waits as he does not tour much and his tickets sell out in less then an hour for all his shows.

Well here we go again. No, not NYC, but beautiful downtown Mobile, Alabama. That’s right, tonight at the Saenger Theater we will again have the pleasure of see Mr. Waits do his thing. I say “do his thing” because he is such a unique character and has such a presence, only he could do what he does. His trashed out voice, antique instruments and found sounds all make for one of a kind act. On top of that some of the songs are just beautiful pieces of art.

Mobile has been real proud of itself lately. That city is in a place it has never been in before. People now actually want to live there. There are jobs, there’s a whole new scene downtown, with bars and restaurants and art gallery’s for people to enjoy. People are moving into all kinds of lofts and condos in the downtown district.

Now this, Tom Waits! I bet there’s gonna be an even bigger change when folks hear about this. People will flock to the city wanting to buy new homes and relocate there. Magazines will claim it the “Best new City in the South”, the best place to live, the best place to raise your kids. And you can all thank Tom Waits. Tom Waits plays Mobile Alabama! Who would have thunk it?

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Lake Trippin’

We have friends, and it’s one of the best things in life. So many friends, all kinds of different people. We feel really blessed in this way.

There is this one couple we are friends with, a young lady that Stacey worked under at one point at Delta, and her husband, who loves the good things in life and sharing them with his friends. This lady helped save my life about ten years ago, we were friends then and still are today. These guys have a beautiful house on a lake in Tennessee and about 2 or 3 times a year have us up for the weekend. They always invite another couple that we know well and we have the best time, just hanging out, boating, sitting in the sun and eating and drinking.

Food is usually the main focus of these weekends. We all talk about it a few weeks ahead and make a plan. We either each do a meal or two or we work together on a few meals. These are some of the best meals I get to have and the fellowship is a big part of it. I think we all enjoy cooking and preparing food for each other. Wine is usually matched to the meal and special cocktails are always introduced on these weekends. These guys all like food and drink and we like using the best and freshest ingredients we can get our hands on.

These are some, just some not all, of the things we enjoyed this weekend.

Shrimp and Grits, a crab salad sandwich and lots of bar b que.

Friday night some que was picked up at the local que joint, along with sides of baked beans and tater salad. Good stuff, and our host had some little gherkin pickles he had picked up at Traders Joe, they were great with the bar b que and the tater salad. There were Dark and Stormy cocktails mixed up with a dark rum that was delicious. Also we enjoyed Salty Dogs, I think that was the name of the drink. Good grapefruit juice, vodka, salt and I think something else was mixed in. These are good drinks and all the better with the quality ingredients used.

The “store bought” bar b que was good, but nothing like the butt that cooked on the green egg all night and I do mean all night long. This is something that is usually done on these trips. One of our friends loves to cook meat on the grill and he is very good at it. It was also a Berkshire butt he was cooking. I know the farmers that raised the pig and I know what that pig ate and it was all natural. You just can’t do no better than that. Good meat cooked for 12-14 hours on really low heat. The pit master knows what he doing and I could taste the proof and the truth. Of course the blessing of the butt helps, here is a photo of the butt gettin blessed.


Then there’s Sunday morning when all the leftovers are pulled out, laid on the bar and you get to relive you favorite food moments of the weekend. God bless America.